How to prepare for a Rap Battle

Are you Afraid? You should be.

Rap battle, freestyle,ghostwriter,songwriter,music,boxing
How to prepare for a rap battle-Rap Academy
A rap battle is not everyone's game. It requires immense grit, physical as well as mental preparedness. It is not a hush game. The unworthy fall. The mighty rise from the ashes.

Preparing for a freestyle war of words is akin to a boxing game. You have to drill yourself, push your limits, try harder than before, keep on practising.

It has to be a scheduled approach. I will help you prepare for the mayhem you chose to be part of.

1. Work on your stamina: You need to throw a constant volley of words on your opponent with very less recovery time in between. It requires a lot of practice. Chewing your words or jumping off the hook is the sign of a loser.

2. Built your phrases: A battle of words cannot be without them. You must have a good ammunition of catchy phrases with oomph effect on the audience. These phrases must wow and silence both your audience and opponent. He should be caught off the hook.

Pro Tip: Observe the body language of your opponent. If it is lax, try to arouse him with some phrases which tempers with his/her wit. If he/she gets puffed on your first attempt, you know where to keep on hitting. 

3. Mental Preparedness: It is a mind game for sure. All you need to keep your calm. It helps you to think better. Your calm attitude makes your opponent jittery and more palpable to mistakes. Try to keep yourself in a zero state before you begin your practice.

Pro Tip: Take off from your schedule 2 days before the battle day. Have a full sleep, no intoxication, good food and just chill.

4. Work on your technique: Every rapper has his/her Soul-Voice, which has a definitive effect on the technique including word delivery, power, facial expressions, speed, a definitive conjuring of knock out phrases and grit. Each of the element has to be worked upon separately.

5. Exercise Daily: It goes without fail.

6. Analyse Yourself: Go through a lot of videos to prepare and analyse yourself. Work out a SWOT model of yourself.

7. Watch the greats: Do not COPY them if you want to be remembered by your name and not as someone's shadow. Just take cues.

These are the most important ways for a Rap Battle or BOXING. Both are intense and rewarding.

Let me know what you all think in the comments below.

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